Bob is all about balance—and perspective: He has the innate ability to see things through the eyes of others, which is why he is very much in sync with colleagues, clients and supplier partners alike. He wears multiple hats at Shamrock with relative ease, serving as motivator, mentor, problem-solver, and brand strategist. He does more than listen; Bob truly hears you. And that’s because he has a genuine interest in what people have to say. He digs deeper to find the right solutions as he works with our sales team to amplify results for our clients. He’s got next-level energy, adds life to the party, and is passionate about celebrating family and friends, and helping people succeed.

Culture Matters. blog part 1 of 2

Mission statements. Core values. These are the guiding principles that capture the essence of our businesses, articulating who we are, what we do, and why we do it. But these words on paper are only effective if they translate into everyday action. That action is something we’re deliberate about at Shamrock: We work to align…


The Value of Your Time

As the adage goes, Time Is Money. So then, ask yourself: Am I spending it wisely? I’ve found that, in some instances, it’s worth the effort to invest your time… Sometimes I drive to Costco to buy steaks. While it’s further away from home than the supermarket, the quality and price is much better, so…

Simplify Marketing supply chain

Simplify your marketing supply chain

No one disputes that the velocity of change in modern marketing strategy and tactics is astounding. Just keeping current with the latest trends and thought leadership can be overwhelming—not to mention that quickly shifting gears and changing direction can pose a significant challenge for many organizations. So how do you keep up? How do you…

Create an Engaging Corporate Culture

Many of us spend the greater part of our waking hours at work. In fact, the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over his/her lifetime. That’s a lot of time invested—so we ought to find ways to make the very most of it. At Shamrock, we’ve always worked to create an engaging, creative…