Formulated for brand success
Client: Specialty Lubricants Corporation
Category: Creative / Print / Promo
Specialty Lubricants Corporation (SLC) is a leading manufacturer, developer and packager of private-label greases and oils, serving industries ranging from automotive to cosmetics, from startups to Fortune 500 brands, in markets nationwide. SLC specializes in high-performance niche products such as synthetics, silicones, anti-seizes and food machinery lubricants. In addition to private labeling, SLC manufactures its HUSKEY® and SLIPKOTE® branded products—rugged performers that set the industry standard.
While SLC had strength in product, it was their brand marketing that lacked muscle. They turned to Shamrock for a brand rebuild. Shamrock updated their image, placing their products and innovative packaging at center stage. As part of the update, Shamrock managed onsite photo shoots to capture new images of SLC’s facility, employees and packaging operations. These images were used in the new SLC Custom Packaging brochure. Shamrock then used the images, along with the design of the brochure, to create a custom tradeshow display. The two-sided piece showcases the Specialty Lubricants part of the business one one side and the SLC Custom Packaging division on the other, allowing it to be used at various events and as a cross-selling tool.
In addition, Shamrock also sourced various promotional items for SLC to celebrate the company’s 40th anniversary. These items were used both inside and outside of the organization to announce this event and help keep SLC top of mind.