Video Conference

Top Video Marketing Trends 2022

It’s no surprise that videos have become the most popular form of marketing content. Look around: on the bus or subway, in line at the supermarket, at a sporting event—people are tuned in to video now more than ever before. In 2022, video content will account for about 82% of overall internet traffic (Cisco), with…

Video Increases Engagement

How to Use Video to Increase Engagement.

Can you think of a day this week that you didn’t watch any video at all? I don’t think I can. Instagram Reels, cooking vlogs—I consume video content every day. And I’m not alone. The fact is, videos command our attention. They make us stop what we’re reading and watch, which is why we need…

Social Video - Marketing Tipcs

Video Marketing: Tips for telling your best brand story

When it comes to quickly and effectively delivering a brand message, there is power in video marketing. According to data from Brightcove, social video generates 1,200% more shares than text and images combined. And video drives a whopping 157% increase in organic traffic from search engines. Why is video important? At Shamrock, we see video…

Video Marketing Trends You Need to Know

It’s no surprise that in today’s mobile world, incorporating video in your marketing program is essential to making brand connections with your customers. MarketingProfs today released an infographic that sums up the state of video marketing, capturing the latest data about video and trends to watch in 2018. Here are a few highlights: •    Video…