Jan 5, 2012
General Business
6 steps to a sticky new year's resolution
Making business resolutions is no different than making personal resolutions. For any resolution to stick it should be:
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Actionable
4. Realistic
5. Time bound
6. Written down
Let me give you an example. In 2012, Shamrock has specifically resolved to expand the ways in which we communicate with our customers. Our plan to achieve this and measure its success in 2012 will be accomplished by integrating our messages through all forms of social media. Why? Because social media gives Shamrock the opportunity to reach customers in ways that are meaningful to them. whether it's Facebook, Twitter, a blog post or email, we know that everyone has their favorite way to receive information. So, we're relying on all the communication touch points in 2012 to provide useful information and receive feedback from our customers.
We resolve to make our social media more actionable. We'll do this in two ways. In 2012 you'll find that our Facebook and blog posts will be more conversational. We'll be asking questions, taking polls and offering informative statistics. And we'll rely on getting your answers by using the oldest tactic in marketing: incentives. (Yes, you'll have to read our blog posts and friend us on Facebook to check out how we'll be using incentives that will reward respondents with prizes.)
Is this resolution (by the way, it is a written plan)realistic? I believe so, because we specifically designed our new communication and feedback strategy to define our service offerings so that we can find new ways to help our customers approach challenges using inventive tools and, hopefully, turn those very challenges into new and exciting opportunities.
The new year has become synonymous with making resolutions. What's your top resolution? Does it include the six steps? Nine times out of 10, resolutions don't stick because they're not realistic or they're not specific. Losing weight means nothing. Writing down that you plan to lose five pounds in five months by cutting down on sweets and dairy products and upping your workouts from three to five times a week is specific, achievable, measurable, realistic and time bound. It has a chance to stick around beyond January 31, 2012.
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