Feb 1, 2012


Digital Marketing

Age before texting - Does Bob text? You bet, but only when it serves his "boomer" purpose.

Look, I get it. I understand the value of new technology in our lives, but, like my peers, I want proof that it lends value to my life. I'm not out there IM'ing or texting friends for the heck of it. I don't connect with friends on Facebook or Twitter. But I will send a text message or email message from my phone when my laptop's squirreled away under twenty shirts in my suitcase. In fact, I couldn't survive in today's world if I didn't have a laptop or my iPhone. So, when new technology helps me get my business done more quickly, I'll use it like a pro. But, I won't spend hours with my phone, playing games or texting BFF's.

Generally, I am a product of my generation.

Like many baby boomers, I fall right into the category, as outlined by a recent study conducted by the Pew Research (http://pewinternet.org/Reports/2011/Generations-and-gadgets.aspx). In February, 2011, the study, about generations and their gadgets, concluded that the younger the generation the more they use technology. I knew that. I can walk around our office and see how just a few years can make a difference in the way people use new technology.

Like my baby boom friends, I generally use my cell phone to make calls. I'll also text or email if it will get the job done efficiently. But, Generation Y (born between 1977 and 1993) is more likely than I to use the phone for a variety of purposes ‚Äì taking photos, texting, accessing the internet, playing music etc. 

Other interesting facts from the research? Younger people are much more likely to own laptops and other portable devices like iPads, than their older counterparts. Same for mp3 players and game consoles. Not so surprising.  However, I found this statistic interesting: there's little difference between generations regarding ownership of an e-Book reader. It's good to know that reading's not yet dead.

As a business man, my take away from this survey is, regardless of your age, if you come in contact with people from various generations (and who doesn't), it's important to know their preference for communicating so that you can correspond with them comfortably. Thus, the bottom line: it's time for all business people to know everything they can about new technology... and learn how to use it to its best advantage.


This cartoon nicely sums up the concluding remarks in the Pew Research survey: "Baby Boomers want to master technology, Generation X enjoys using technology and Generation Y employs it."