Aug 14, 2019


General Business

Challenge Yourself with a Self-Assessment

There is tremendous power in self-reflection.

I've found that implementing the practice as part of an annual performance review can be incredibly insightful and productive. Our assessment challenges individuals to not only take stock of their personal performance and best practices, but also to look at their performance through the lens of their customers and co-workers. The way that I use this assessment tool is to ask each sales rep to either write their answers, or just prepare for a discussion with me. During a meeting to review, I offer my feedback and opinions on some of the questions; but the true value of the exercise is challenging them to look in the mirror.

The questions are outlined below:

Self-Assessment for Sales Team


  • In general, do you enjoy sales? Why?

  • Do you enjoy your job: Selling the products and services Shamrock provides?

  • What do you like/dislike about working for Shamrock?

  • How do you assess your attitude? What would your co-workers say about your attitude?

  • How do you assess your work ethic? How would your sales team define your work ethic?

  • How do you assess your ambition and drive? What drives/motivates you?

Sales Skills:

  • Strengths: What are you good at? What would your customers say they value most about you?

  • Weaknesses: Where do you think you can improve? If your customers had one complaint, what would that be?

  • Messaging: Are you comfortable communicating Shamrock's/your value to clients and prospects? Are there additional marketing tools you need?

  • How do you assess your presentation skills?

  • Relationship Building: Do your clients like, respect, and trust you? Why?

Strategy & Execution:

  • How do you feel about your strategic plan to achieve success?

  • How well do you execute your plan? What systems/tools do you use to gauge progress?


  • What organizational system do you use to manage a large workload? Are there any areas that are lacking?

  • Do you think you choose to spend your time in high-impact areas? Flip it: What is the biggest drain on your time?


  • Are you satisfied with your sales results?

  • Where do you see your results in 1, 3 and 5 years?

These self-assessment questions will work well for some our sales reps, but perhaps not for all. Either way, it's a great exercise of self-discovery that can be tweaked to use as you see fit. If there are other questions you'd add to the list, I'd appreciate your input.