Feb 28, 2018
Create an Engaging Corporate Culture
Many of us spend the greater part of our waking hours at work. In fact, the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over his/her lifetime. That's a lot of time invested‚ so we ought to find ways to make the very most of it.
Decide what you want
Discover what the customer wants
Deliver plus-one (Go over and above. Always)
Do worthwhile work
Be in charge of achieving goals
Celebration – cheering each other on
FISH. An extension of Gung Ho!, Fish promotes a super-positive work environment and is based on key customer-focused ideas:
Be Present. Be emotionally invested: Put your phone down, look people in the eye, and really focus on what you are doing and the people you are doing it with.
Choose Your Attitude. Take responsibility for how you respond to people. You have the power to consciously choose how you are going to treat others or manage your stress‚ own it.
Make Their Day. Find simple ways to serve and delight people in meaningful and memorable ways.
Play. Make what you do at work enjoyable and fun. Take your work seriously, not yourself: The energy you create is truly contagious.
These philosophies contribute to Shamrock's unique culture‚ and we continue to identify new ways to incorporate these into our everyday operations. Beyond that, I've learned that trust goes a long way toward framing corporate culture. Without it, people tend to operate in silos and find themselves isolated from the group. By working to establish open, honest communication‚ in dealing with both positive and negative issues‚ you can foster a greater sense of team and gain credibility with your employees.
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