Mar 30, 2017
General Business
Dare To Be Different To Make The Difference!
Dare To Be Different‚ and Outwork Your Competition
In the world of marketing, it often feels as if everyone is trying to sell something. Everyone wants to be the person to deliver the latest and greatest products and services to the masses. But if we are all climbing the same mountain at the same time, how do we make it to the top? How do we stand out above the competition and achieve success?
Just be different. Ask yourself how you can get in front of perspective clients and what you can bring to the table that others won't.
Start by constantly reinventing your business: Don't let yourself get pigeonholed into one genre of resources. Set yourself up for success by targeting and profiling companies with which you want to work. Then, apply consistent marketing tactics using multiple quality touches, for ultimate exposure. These tactics could include phone calls, emails, self-promo marketing campaigns, direct-mail pieces, etc. Just make sure your touches are creative and highlight all your capabilities: digital, mobile apps, postage-savings tactics, etc. The point is to catch your audience with an “ah-ha” revelation.
Once you've grabbed their attention, don't just present one solution. Use this opportunity to consult on an entire marketing package for a project and present EVERYTHING. Think of the project from your client's point of view. Use the mindset, ‚Äúyou brought me here to provide X, but I can also give you Q, R and S!‚Äù This avenue of presentation will be time-consuming but ultimately will earn business. Take your time‚ and stand out.
When it's time to execute, gain your customers' trust and confidence by communicating what to expect until the products are in-hand. A Thank You email, followed by proofs, ship dates and tracking confirmations will keep both parties connected and involved. This extensive customer service will push you ahead of the competition.
After your transaction, keep in contact. Present new ideas and cutting-edge solutions. This approach is more consultative and educational than trying to “sell” something. Offer to hold lunch
meetings to present these ideas. Whether you get one or 12 people in a room over sandwiches, the exposure is critical. Show them what's new and hot from each aspect of your portfolio; perhaps a new mobile app or trending direct mail items. Bring solutions to the table to remind your customers that you are one contact with multiple resources, reinforcing the value and time savings they enjoy by working with you, and not seven different companies.
This path will not be easy. Each of these tactics takes time, effort and creative brainpower, but hopefully will set you at the top of the mountain. You will not only rise above the competition, but will no longer be selling stuff. Now, you're providing solutions, you've developed solid relationships with your customers‚ and it all started by being different.
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