Apr 18, 2012
Digital Marketing
Healthcare following the trend of smart phone apps.
A recent Google search suggests that nearly half (46%) of American adults are smartphone owners (as of February 2012). That's an increase of 11 percentage points over the 35% of Americans who owned a smartphone last May. And healthcare providers are taking notice of this increasing trend for smartphones. One healthcare app for smartphone users is called a Mobile Healthcare Card Web Services App. This easy-to-use app will make carrying insurance ID in your wallet or purse obsolete.
Remember when healthcare insurance providers would send a plastic or paper card? The card went into a user's wallet or purse, ready to be handed over when a healthcare provider requested it. That's if it didn't get lost somewhere between wallet and healthcare provider. (Did you ever lose your insurance card and frantically search for it before an appointment with your healthcare provider?)
With this new app, it's impossible to lose your card and it's easy to present it to your healthcare provider. All the app user has to do is whip out his or her smartphone, click the healthcare card app with insurance information, and email or fax it to the healthcare provider.
ONE LAST THING... Healthcare delivery is complex. With mobile technology, delivery of healthcare insurance information doesn't have to be complicated. If you or one of your clients may be interested in new ideas for mobile delivery of healthcare information, give Shamrock a call.
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