Oct 20, 2021



How to Use Video to Increase Engagement.

Can you think of a day this week that you didn't watch any video at all?

I don't think I can. Instagram Reels, cooking vlogs‚ I consume video content every day. And I'm not alone. The fact is, videos command our attention. They make us stop what we're reading and watch, which is why we need to prioritize video in our content marketing strategies.

Video is not only compelling; it engages users and helps build brand connections. Studies show that using video on your website or blog results in a 157% increase in organic traffic from search engines (WSI). It also keeps visitors' attention. This study by Oracle suggests that videos can increase the time spent on your webpage by more than 100%.

Here's how to use video to increase engagement on your website, blog, and other marketing channels (adapted from WSI).

1. Create original content.

Creating original, authentic video and embedding it in your blog, on your website, and in emails helps to grab the reader's attention and improve readability by breaking up long blocks of text. For original video content inspiration, check out these ideas.

  • An 'About Us' video that tells your unique brand story

  • Tutorials, Demos, and How-To Videos

  • Video Summaries and Vlogs

  • Client Reviews and Testimonials

  • A behind-the-scenes look at your operation

  • Unboxing of your new product or employee kit

2. Keep videos under 2 minutes.

This from WSI, “If you're looking to use videos to increase engagement with your blog posts, make sure the videos are short and straight to the point. Short videos gain the most engagement. According to HubSpot, the most engagement is seen when videos are about 2 minutes long. You may be thinking, “a2-minute video seems a little short for all the information I want to include.” Don't worry about having to explain and go too in-depth to cover all aspects of the topic surrounding your blog post. Using videos in your blog posts is meant to complement the information being discussed, not cover the post in its entirety.”

3. Host your videos on YouTube.

WSI advises housing your videos on YouTube because it ‚Äúoffers a wide range of SEO and analytics tools that help track engagement. When done right, YouTube has the potential to bring in hundreds, thousands, or even millions of new customers to your business. Embedding YouTube videos into your blog posts and website can help bolster your overall SEO and help your business rank higher when people are searching for content.‚Äù For video filming tips and tools, read the entire WSI article here. The value and power of video are that it provides a uniquely personal connection to you and your brand. Plus, it's convenient and efficient for users‚ and extremely sharable, which makes video an excellent marketing investment.

With the 4th quarter already underway, now is a great time to review your content plan and tweak, as necessary, to incorporate engaging, well-targeted video touches across all channels.