Mar 1, 2012


Digital Marketing

KIS MY SMS - This week Bob offers a few notable ideas for text message marketing as part of a mobile solution

Anyone who's worked in sales or marketing has heard about the KIS theory (Keep It Simple). And if you've been around a mobile phone lately you're familiar with SMS (Short Message Service), which, in non-marketing language, is texting. Combine KIS and SMS and you have a good strategy to pop into your marketing toolbox. I would suggest you do a little research first, and think about how text messaging fits into the larger picture of your overall marketing strategy. This way you can be sure your SMS promotion is a real success instead of a flat afterthought. (Of course, we'd be happy to chat with you, since Shamrock has developed a comprehensive mobile solution  that can be customized to your needs.) Here are a few text marketing tips to think about:

Real Men Opt-In -
In all age groups from 17 to 55+, men outnumber women when it comes to opting into an SMS promotion. Probably because it's delivered right to our phone, and all we have to do is say "OK" (opt-in) to receive future promotions. The only age group where it's a close race between the sexes is in the age category 25-34 (here, both men and women opt-in at an average of 57 to 58%). But if you want an SMS campaign targeted to women, do your homework, and chances are good they'll respond too.

Make It Worth My Time -
Make the message short and the promo easy to get (KIS!), so the person receiving the message wants to opt-in. Oh, don't forget that people pay for texts so your text should offer immediate gratification and good value. And don't over-message! Too much of a good thing will easily turn off your audience.

Use KIS for SMS -
Keep it quick and simple. One of the most successful text messaging campaigns I've heard about involves a pizza shop. The owner asks customers to opt-in to his text message with a great discount coupon. When business is slow he sends a message to his existing opt-in customers, offering a 2-for-1 deal during lunch. He reports an increase in profits by 20% and he's cut advertising by 50%. Not bad!

Spread the Message -
Like any good marketing strategy, it's important to reach people through all media. Let your audience know that there's a really special SMS promotion going on through e-mail, social media, traditional advertising and whatever else you generally use to get the word out.

Marketing, even a new opportunity like SMS, is not brain surgery. But, to be successful, it should be well planned and well executed. And asking for professional help may help you get started. If you're interested, give us a call.