Jul 25, 2018


Digital Marketing

Make Timely Brand Connections Using Digital Targeting

We've all felt the rush of finding ourselves in the exactly the right place at the right time. Like when the front spot in the over-crowded parking lot opens just as you pull up. Or when the price of airfare drops the day you're ready to book a flight.

Digital targeting creates that same sense of instant satisfaction. With your brand.

It positions your brand directly in front of your customers, at the right time, in precisely the right place and on the right device. Using this powerful one-to-one digital technology, you're able to serve targeted content to your prospects, with incredible accuracy. It brings the location-specific accuracy of direct mail to digital advertising.

There's a variety of digital targeting applications that can provide exceptional ROI for your marketing dollars.

Here are a few examples of how digital targeting technology can be used to make smarter, more effective brand connections:

  • Send targeted display ads, video ads or trigger-based direct mail to your prospects' homes (based on linking their postal addresses to their IPs)

  • Capture people's Device IDs at events they attend, where they work, where they study, where they shop‚ and then map the device back to a household address for targeting

  • Take your CRM (or new customer list) and target their neighbors with ads

In so many instances in life, timing is everything.

The exciting aspect of digital targeting is that it takes our marketing game to the next level‚ now we can use both time and place to our advantage. It allows for a stronger, more engaging brand connection. If you're interested in learning more about digital targeting, I'd love the chance to talk to you. Connect with me directly bdegarmo@shamrockcompanies.net