Nov 14, 2012



Mother Still Rules.

The first week in November gave me jolt and I was thankful. While many of us were beginning to make plans for the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend, Mother Nature has some plans of her own.

Old Mother Nature cut off power at our corporate office in Westlake, Ohio and we had to shut down for several days due to the storm. Thankfully, no employees were around when the power went out. And thankfully, no one was hurt in the wake of Storming Sandy. Although, some of us did face power failures and some storm damage that is, luckily, fixable. Mother Nature still has the final word!

Right now, I'd say knowing that everyone I know is safe following this major storm is what I'm mostly thankful for.

Of course, there are certain things I'm always grateful for. My childhood, thanks to wonderful parents, leaves me with warm memories of growing up with love, a good education, clean clothes and lots of fun. My parents weren't pushovers. We had to do well in school, or feel their wrath. While not as strong as the wrath of Mother Nature, I'd never want to be on my mom's wrong side! I also was blessed to grow up with both grandparents who guided me, gave me strength, and taught me right from wrong.

When I met my wife, I inherited another wonderful family. Unlike my parents, who were more reserved, my wife's family is made up of huggers. At first, I was uncomfortable, because this was so new to me. My wife's family is more outwardly affectionate; they hug at family gatherings and also greet visitors with a hug. But I soon learned from them the value of a warm hug, and easily learned not to fear affection.

After graduating college, I also was blessed to find a job that was challenging and fulfilling, and also provided the resources to build relationships with business people who showed me how to carve a path to success, and develop a business of my own.

Today, I am lucky to be surrounded by my own family, my family of employees and my family of business peers who continue to provide sound advice and ample support.

There is one last group of people for whom I have the greatest affection, and I give thanks for this special group every day. They are Shamrock's customers. Some are my very first customers, many have been with us for years, some are new to the Shamrock family, and I have a special affection for each of them. All have been honest with me and helpful in providing me with the tools to make my business better and stronger. A special shout-out to Blaze Coraretti, one of my first and fondest customers, who worked at Reliance Electric. From that start in the 1980s, Reliance Electric became our first large customer. Our relationship from the beginning was built on a mutual respect for one another. To this day, Blaze is at the top of my list of people I've been thankful to know.