Nov 17, 2016



Think. Thank. Act.

This is the time of year when many of us pause to reflect about the people and the blessings in our lives for which we're most thankful. For me, this process is leading not only to discoveries‚ it's also prompting action. #1. I'm thankful for my health. This month the global Movember Foundation challenged men to grow moustaches to raise awareness about, and funds for, men's health programs‚ particularly prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental illness. I've gone full-blown no-shave November with a beard and moustache. It's a great reminder for me to get checked‚ and to inspire others to do the same. #2. I'm thankful for our veterans. Last Friday was Veteran's Day. It made me think a lot about the sacrifices our service men and women make every day to ensure our freedoms. My dad served and my nephew just enlisted. That makes me incredibly proud. And so, I'm making a more conscious effort to thank our military personnel whenever and wherever I see them, whether that's a simple handshake or picking up a bar tab.

#3. I'm thankful for my family. This past year has been a difficult one for my family in terms of health issues. When you're faced with losing someone you love, it makes you appreciate and understand how very fragile life is. This year for Thanksgiving, the Connor side of the family‚ all 25 of us‚ is heading to North Carolina to celebrate the holiday, and most importantly, each other. #4. I'm thankful to have food to eat. In NE Ohio, one in six people is food insecure, meaning they may not know where their next meal will come from. It's an incredibly sad statistic. As a father, I can't imagine how it must feel to be unable to feed your family. On December 2nd, our Shamrock team is heading to the Greater Cleveland Food Bank to help serve those in need. If you'd like to donate your time or money, go to

Whatever it is that you're thankful for in your life, my hope for you is that you share it or use it as the inspiration to make a difference for someone else. Giving is what this wonderful season is all about.

Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday!