Feb 23, 2017
General Business
Top Five Life Lessons
I was driving home from a business meeting when I received a random text from my son, who at the time, was a sophomore at the University of Arizona. He asked, “Dad, what are the top 5 life lessons you have learned?” With the help of voice to text technology, I responded immediately:
YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE - I can't explain it, but this one is just a law of nature. People generally get back what they give. In other words, people usually get what they deserve in life. Or, as ye sow, so shall ye reap. Forget about “win-win,” and try to always give more than you expect in return. The funny thing about this approach is that it finds a way to pay you back.
YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT - If you think in positive terms, you get positive
results; and if you think in negative terms, you get negative results. Set goals and think about them in a relaxed, positive way. You must CONTROL YOUR THINKING. It is much easier and more natural for people to think negatively, which is why only about 5% of us achieves “success.” This comes from an insightful book that I have on tape, called The Strangest Secret in the World by Earl Nightengale. Buy it and listen to it often!
STEADY WINS THE RACE - Try to avoid getting too high, or too low. Life can and will change very quickly‚ so expect change. Try to see the big picture. Simply said, keep your chin up when things don't go your way. Fight through it ‚Äì there will be better days ahead. AND, when things are awesome, try not to get to cocky or comfortable. Stay focused, enjoy the ride, but make sure you are prepared if things turn.
FORGIVE OTHERS – Everyone make mistakes, including you. If you want (or need) others to forgive you, then you need to be willing to forgive others. We are all so different, and that is a good thing! Accept it.embrace it. Look for the good in people, and be willing to overlook what you perceive as their weaknesses.
TAKE CARE OF YOUR MIND AND BODY – Eat healthy, exercise – both physically and mentally (think about that). Don't pollute your mind or your body with things that are unhealthy.
And Honorable Mention – My Mom passed a few years back, but she left me with so many gifts of wisdom. She used to say, “Everything in moderation”, and she encouraged me to have a “healthy balance to your life”.
What "words of wisdom" would you like to share with your children or coworkers? Let us know!
And if you'd like to discuss any of the ones I've mentioned here, you can email me BDeGarmo@shamrockcompanies.net or tweet me @BobDeGarmo.
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