Aug 11, 2021


General Business

Use change to propel your business. Here's how.

Clearly, 2020 presented us with unique challenges and setbacks. But it also catapulted change. It was a year that moved some of us out of our comfort zones and prompted businesses to adapt to the new normal, pivoting to meet our customers' evolving needs.

While there's plenty of benefits to lessons learned from having your back up against the wall, there's also something to be said for proactively pushing boundaries. I think Jack Welch had it right when he summarized one of the precursors to business success, "Change before you have to." When you see change as an ongoing process‚ not merely as a series of events‚ you unlock the key to innovation. By creating and committing to a workplace culture that encourages, supports, and celebrates change, you can drive growth. No longer will change be the anomaly; it will be the rule. One way to encourage that "change" culture in your organization is to audit your innovations. By taking stock of what you've done, you can identify the benefits of those changes and then use that information to encourage or prompt the next steps in the process.

To give you a sample framework, here's my brainstorm of a few of the ways Shamrock has instituted proactive change over the past few years.

Revitalized our culture

Instilled a positive environment based on company values (i.e., our 40 Ways To Create Awesomeness program.)

Transitioned from a manual to an automated workspace

Implementing new technologies to reduce manual processes and increase efficiencies.

Improved the Company's sales pipeline

Installed a new technology platform which increased client and prospect touchpoints by thousands each month.

Initiated a new stream of revenue in the digital marketing segment

This included professional development that required 50+ hours of training for our sales team.

Increased and encouraged sales team collaboration and proactive client relationship management

Implemented weekly education calls + bi-weekly Sales Mastermind calls.

Modernized hiring and training of new-era sales talent

Developed blended training boot camps. As we hired sales talent without industry experience, we had to pivot and learn how to provide industry training.

Enhanced our technology offering

Used increased training to secure a competitive advantage by emphasizing program-based sales.

Created a corporate-wide sustainability initiative

It does more than give lip service to eco-responsibility: Our Shamrock Cares program is an actionable movement that shares profits with the non-profit OneTree Planted to create a more sustainable world.

Right now, our team is proactively brainstorming what change is next in line at Shamrock.

Embracing change can be a bit scary at first, but once you commit to a culture of continuous change, I'm confident you'll start tracking progress every day. If this is an area of your business that you'd like to delve into a little deeper, or if you'd like to bounce ideas off me, reach out at