Mar 17, 2021



Why You Need Print Marketing in 2021. Here Are the Latest Trends.

After months of COVID lockdown, most of us have grown increasingly dependent on our digital devices. In fact, Deloitte's 2021 Global Marketing Trends study found that more than 63% of people believe they will depend on digital technology more than they did before the pandemic, even after it ends.

So, does that digital dependence make print irrelevant? Not by a long shot. While we increasingly use digital communications for person-to-person interactions, some products and experiences just can't be digitized‚ and therein lies the value of print marketing.

During these times of uncertainty, people are craving authenticity and a human connection‚ and print marketing can help make those brand connections in a haptic, memorable way. Even science supports the benefit of tangible communication, Haptics researchers have been able to confirm the benefits of touch. The neuroscientist Edmund Rolls found that touch activates the brain's orbitofrontal cortex, leading to increased feelings of reward and compassion. Plus, the sense of touch generates surprisingly powerful and long-lasting memories.

Print marketing feels right for your brand. Direct mail, product inserts, specialty packaging, displays, newsletters‚ when used in conjunction with digital touches, print can help amplify your brand reach. As you incorporate print into your marketing program, try to lead with personalized content (through the use of subscription data). 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences (Epsilon); and as appropriate, use storytelling to engage your audience, just as you do on your digital channels.

As you formulate your marketing plan for 2021, here are three print trends to consider.


A multi-part process, shimmering creates a unique effect on virtually any stock. The shimmering technique highlights one or more areas of a print design to make them stand out from the rest of the page with a shimmering or three dimensional effect. This design element is popular for use on restaurant menus, brochures, invitations, and business cards.

Laser cutting.

This process is more intricate than shimmering and provides the same dramatic effect. Laser cutting creates a unique texture effect using an accurate outline of even the most delicate design. Coupled with gold or colored foil, laser cutting provides a unique finish.

Recycled papers.

In today's eco-conscious age, the design and print industry are leaning green. Nature-inspired, organic design is slated to be big in 2021. And using recycled papers and Earth-friendly inks is both on-trend and responsible (your customers will notice).

At Shamrock, our designers spec a host of different paper products for marketing pieces. A notable new option is the Mohawk Renewal line, which is made up of three different kinds of paper, harnessing three very different fiber sources‚ hemp, straw and recycled textiles. This article "The Allure of Mohawk Paper in a Digital World" is a fascinating look at the modern advancements in paper manufacturing that make it both enticing and essential for today's brand marketing. READ IT here: As with anything in life, balance is where it's at: While digital connections are on the rise, so is scroll fatigue. Print marketing can provide a welcome and much-needed screen break that seamlessly compliments and strengthens your digital campaigns. How are you using print in your brand marketing? Join the conversation on our Facebook page.