May 6, 2015
Augmented reality. Changing the way we view print‚ with results that amplify marketing dollars
It used to be that when we picked up a magazine or newspaper, we actually had to read content to get the advertiser's brand message. But that was then. Today, augmented reality (AR) has taken print to a 3D level: By immersing the user in a living, moving virtual world, AR has completely changed how we interact with a brand‚ and from a marketing standpoint, it has rewritten the rules of engagement.
When you embed virtual content layered over a real-world object and content is displayed, AR becomes a game-changer in that it makes a powerful, immediate connection with the user and provides information in an intriguing and memorable way. The revenue-generating potential is incredible:
• $50 Million Sales Increase: Mitsubishi Electric launched a new mobile app for its sales reps; the AR application lets customers visualize air conditioning units in various locations within their homes. The Company reported a $50 million increase in sales figures.
• A 152% Sales Boost: The Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo launched a mobile app that augments penguins into a user's view, and then guides the user through the city and to the aquarium. Without changing the exhibit, the campaign increased ticket sales by 152%. And more than 90% of users reported that they would recommend the application to friends and family.
At Shamrock, we recently launched a pre-show mailer for Seiko Instruments USA that used AR to show their new printer in action with the intent to drive visitors to their booth.
Click here to view the AR experience.
AR can be customized to hit your audience when and where you want: geo-tagged for proximity-based marketing campaigns (think festivals, annual meetings, sporting events, etc.).
Because AR interaction is trackable, we use the data from the experience to strategically plan the next step, modify the message, shape future campaigns, and so on. If you're interested in learning more, connect with me on Linked In.
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