Dec 19, 2012



Giving at Christmas is Easy.

We've all witnessed how our nation gathers together to help when tragedy strikes. The same is true at holiday time. We think more about the needy, more about our neighbors, and we look for ways to give with simple acts of kindness. And that kindness is generally returned this time of year.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could pay it forward the rest of the year? About a month ago there was a news story about a woman who was short some money at a local Target store. The person in line in front of her overheard it and left money to pay her bill. Later, at another store, she paid the bill for a person behind her. This made national news simply because it's so rare, on just an average day, to see an act of kindness like this. If acts of kindness like this happened every day, can you imagine how much nicer our world would be?

I was raised to believe the act of giving should be performed throughout the year. The wonderful people who work at Shamrock also believe this. Shamrock employees practice kindness daily and it makes working here a better place. There are countless fundraisers throughout the year. Most raise money for charity in fun and interesting ways that engage the whole company. Some are more seriously thought out due to the nature of the event.

So, I want to say a simple "thank you" to every person who works at Shamrock and extend best wishes to their families, their friends and their special charities for a joyous holiday season and a happy, healthy and, fruitful New Year.