Pick A Winner: The Perfect Tournament Bracket

Who’s in? Who got left out? The excitement of March Madness is here! At this point in the NCAA tournament, we all have perfect brackets—but that will likely change on day one. At least for the majority of us: The odds of picking a perfect bracket are 1 in 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (or 1 in 9.2 quintillion). Wrap…

Create an Engaging Corporate Culture

Many of us spend the greater part of our waking hours at work. In fact, the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over his/her lifetime. That’s a lot of time invested—so we ought to find ways to make the very most of it. At Shamrock, we’ve always worked to create an engaging, creative…

2017: The Year In Review

At Shamrock, we’re closing out 2017 in much the same way that we embraced the new year: With humility. In a year where politics dominated the headlines—and divided people—we focused on the things that brought us closer together: Doing good. We are fortunate at Shamrock to have a strong community involvement effort that is led…

Your Guide To Volunteering

It feels good to do good. Most of us who donate our time to causes or organizations that are meaningful to us would likely agree: Volunteering allows us to give back, while rewarding ourselves in the process. There’s research that supports those feel-good benefits: It’s been found that volunteering improves your health. According to a…

Helping After Hurricane Harvey

After enjoying a relaxing holiday weekend in NE Ohio, we can’t help but reflect on all that we have to be thankful for—and to think about how we can help the people of Houston who are dealing with aftermath of Harvey. If you haven’t yet donated, or if you’d like to give to a national…

LLS Cleveland Campaign Earns $584,000

What an amazing fundraising effort: 8 candidates. 10 weeks. $584,000 earned for LLS. This past weekend at the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) 2017 Man and Woman of the Year campaign wrapped up at the annual Gala event. Supported by my incredible team, we raised $81,477 for LLS, and in doing…

Take Control. Beat Cancer.

It feels good to be in control—or at least, to have a handle on things within your reach. But that kind of security isn’t always in the cards. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, then you get it: A cancer diagnosis is a line-drive foul ball that you didn’t see…

The Luck Behind the Shamrock Name

If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, then you’re lucky enough. That’s how I felt growing up in an Irish family—and as an adult, I feel equally as proud to be part of an organization that shares a bit of that heritage. I get the question often: How did Shamrock get its name? So today,…