Bob’s family-first mindset guides all that he does: The fearless founder of Shamrock celebrates and supports people in a manner that makes people feel good about themselves – and what they accomplish. He’s a mentor, strategist, problem solver, confidant, entrepreneur, civic do-gooder. An adventurous spirit, Bob has no reservation about exploring uncharted waters, which explains his nautical prowess – and his business success.


I noticed a good response to my last post about the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon, so I thought I’d add a bit more fuel to the fire and tell you about my feelings towards Wall Street and how the Street overlooks the needs of middle market companies, such as Shamrock. A few days ago I…


Until the Next Big Thing, the media is swamped with stories about “Occupy Wall Street”. Even the big guns, such as the Wall Street Journal‘s reporter, Douglas Schoen, who states that OWT “… comprises an unrepresentative segment of the electorate that believes in radical redistribution of wealth, civil disobedience and, in some instances, violence. Half…


From the Ancient Egyptians who buried their Pharaohs with possessions they might need in the afterlife, to the Ancient Greeks who believed that there was one last  journey in the afterlife that  included being ferried across the river Styx by an eternal boatman, different cultures celebrate and mourn the passing of a friend or family…


Remember when mission statements and corporate values were the big buzz words on the block? It all started in the late 1990s. Big shot management gurus adopted this theory that if chieftains of the  organization came together and developed a mission that drives a company, the company would flourish, and its people would multiply, and…


I have a theory that, if you are stripped of everything: your home, your family, your job… your entire legacy… only then will you really know how you are regarded by others (to paraphrase the Beatles, Will you still love me…).  This vision of how I, and Shamrock are perceived, is very important to me. …

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

Each of us remembers where we were on that fateful day, when the sky was so crystalline clear and blue that it almost hurt your eyes to look up. The morning seemed beautiful around the country — from California, to Washington D.C, to Pennsylvania, to New York. But the gray pall that would capture the…


No one needs me to tell them that it’s tough getting a job today. We have the media to give us that bad bit of news. But there are jobs to be had. And smart people with certain traits and skills can get jobs. Sure, sometimes opportunity knocks, but in times like these, we all…