Bob’s family-first mindset guides all that he does: The fearless founder of Shamrock celebrates and supports people in a manner that makes people feel good about themselves – and what they accomplish. He’s a mentor, strategist, problem solver, confidant, entrepreneur, civic do-gooder. An adventurous spirit, Bob has no reservation about exploring uncharted waters, which explains his nautical prowess – and his business success.
I like money. The smelly, dirty, green stuff that you put into your wallet every morning before leaving the house. Plastic also has a special place in my well used wallet. But today, more and more people are making mobile payments (often called virtual wallets by in-the-know smartphone users). Mobile payment is an alternative to…
Last week I read that more than 40% people in the U.S. access the web via a mobile device. Not their desktop. Not even their laptop! I was kind of surprised when I read this statistic. It made me realize how important it is for businesses to have a mobile website — which is a…
Should you QR? Heck, yes! QR, or Quick Response Code, started as a shipping and tracking device and has now taken the mobile marketing world by storm. I asked Shamrock’s in-house mobile Guru, and here’s why: What’s a QR Code? Worldwide, in 2011 QR code usage increased 20%, making it a pretty big deal. Used…
Anyone who’s worked in sales or marketing has heard about the KIS theory (Keep It Simple). And if you’ve been around a mobile phone lately you’re familiar with SMS (Short Message Service), which, in non-marketing language, is texting. Combine KIS and SMS and you have a good strategy to pop into your marketing toolbox. I…
The amount of online research and blogs about marketing to Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y is overwhelming. Yet, some marketers seem to understand how to talk the generational talk, and others just don’t. While I’m not an expert on generational marketing, my business is marketing, so I’ve thought about, and read a lot about…
After a nice Valentine dinner with my wife, my mind wandered back to business. Occupational hazard, I guess. I began thinking about earlier Valentine’s days, when I was just beginning my career and dinner out on this holiday was a special treat we saved for. That led me to think about how I started in…
As an entrepreneur and part of the Boomer generation, the One Big Thing that drives me is fear of failure. I’d like to think that’s what drives any successful business person. But I’ve learned that’s not necessarily true for Generation X (30 to 40-something years old) and Generation Y (20s and 30s). Today’s workplace is…
Look, I get it. I understand the value of new technology in our lives, but, like my peers, I want proof that it lends value to my life. I’m not out there IM’ing or texting friends for the heck of it. I don’t connect with friends on Facebook or Twitter. But I will send a…
I’m a big proponent of a positive work/life balance. When I got married I was also carving out the future of my career. One of the things my wife and I agreed upon was that we would always take time to enhance our personal life together and balance it with our work life. We agreed…
Winning in business today is the game of three: 1. Using social media as part of your communication tool box 2. Incorporating new technology into the equation 3. Making sure your business is up to speed and that you understand how to best use 1 and 2 In some ways, it’s a tougher game. Just…