Do your customers really know you?

We all like to work with and buy products from people and/or brands that we have a connection with. It’s human nature to gravitate toward something familiar or someone with whom we share a common interest. Even if your industry isn’t innately engaging or your business is more traditional, you can still make connections with existing…


How To Master Cause Marketing

We live in an age of social responsibility. Now more than ever, consumers are taking notice of the companies that support their same values and beliefs—and they’re putting their money behind those brands. 87% of consumers say they would switch from one brand to another if the other brand were associated with a good cause.…


Optimize Your Co-op Marketing Program. We’ll Show You How.

Consistency is important to establishing and maintaining brand integrity. As companies grow and establish new locations or franchises, that brand consistency often becomes increasingly difficult to manage. It’s a struggle that I’ve helped many clients manage. At Shamrock, we help companies manage their brands—and their marketing budgets—using a smart co-op marketing platform. Whether a company…

Use Marketing Asset Management To Drive Association Membership

In survey after survey, associations of all sizes cite building and retaining membership as their greatest challenges. So how do you attract and engage members? Assuming your association offers attractive, tangible member benefits, the next step is to promote that message through branded marketing. Marketing asset management (MAM) is a smart solution for managing personalized,…

10 Tips for Building Brand Loyalty

Does your brand have a dedicated following? Whether you sell pizzas or insurance policies, brand loyalty matters; it’s good for business. Attracting and maintaining customers long term ultimately leads to increased profits. According to Adobe, repeat customers buy nearly 30% more items per order than first-time shoppers and are nine times more likely to convert…

7 Steps to Getting Brand Trust Right

At Shamrock, we’re all about sharing the wealth—so we’re reposting this article from Content Marketing Institute that offers valuable tips about how to build trust in your brand. Here’s the article in its entirety: There’s a crisis in consumer trust. At least that’s the word in the research. The 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer revealed that…