Ellen is passionate about helping clients tell their stories through extraordinary brand experiences. A serious right-brainer, she is a creative visionary with a highly collaborative approach: She doesn’t work for clients; she works with them. By focusing on what makes each client and business unique, Ellen uncovers the uncommon. She leads our team in weaving these details into colorful narratives that resonate with target audiences and incite action surrounding brands, from small startups to household names. Ellen’s superpower is her quick wit, which also comes in handy raising three kids.

WHY TED IS GOOD FOR CLEVELAND. This week our guest columnist is Kasey Crabtree, social media specialist at Shamrock — a true fan of TEDxCLE and what it stands for.

Last Thursday I attended TEDxCLE at the Cleveland Museum of Art. I attended TEDxCLE when it first came here in 2010. This one was their fourth and it was worth attending. I’d like to tell you why. First, let me tell you what TED is. TED was founded in 1984 and had its first annual…

FOURSQUARE: A MOBILE APP THAT PROFITS BUSINESSES AND CUSTOMERS. This week Bob turns his blog over to the Shamrock Foursquare Maven, Kasey Crabtree

For those of you who may have heard about foursquare, but don’t know what it is, let me tell you simply that foursquare is great.  Foursquare started slowly in 2009. By February 21, 2011 there were 7 million foursquare users and by the end of 2011 that number reached 15 million worldwide users. (Geek Note:…


Blog Alert! — Bob has handed this week’s post over to a guest. Kasey Crabtree is our own social media expert, as well as one of our finest sales executives, with extra duties as Shamrock’s social media specialist. This year Kasey has the honor of being the City Lead Organizer for Cleveland’s Twestival 2011, a…