Tim is equal parts action and strategic guidance (ahem, dad to four daughters). He’s been with Shamrock for 25 years where he’s built not only a career, but lasting relationships. Tim is all about making meaningful connections with our valued clients and vendors. From that platform, he shapes Shamrock’s supply chain management, developing strength, quality and diversity in supplier partnerships—the stuff that makes for great deliverables. Add in operational efficiency and expert execution and its clear Tim is intentional about driving results. He’s a big-picture guy who puts his experience to work helping our clients solve challenges by aligning the right components, using the right channels, with the right partners.

Earth Day

Earth Day 2021: Eco-friendly tips for the workplace.

Now more than ever, society is concerned with environmental issues. As such, sustainability practices in the workplace can no longer be an afterthought. Operating your business in an eco-responsible manner is not only the right thing to do; it’s also good for your brand. Caring for the planet benefits your bottom line. It drives consumer…

Product Packaging Trends 2021

Product Packaging Trends To Adopt Right Now

As the pandemic has shifted us further away from in-store product browsing and purchasing, packaging has taken on even greater significance: With less foot-traffic in stores, product packaging is one of the only physical touch points between many brands and their customers, which underscores the importance of making the most of those brand engagement opportunities.…


Make Print Part of Your Marketing Program

A social media scroll is here and gone, but print marketing endures. If you’ve got all your marketing eggs in one digital basket, the latest print data might change your mind. Here’s a recap of print technology trends—and tips for how to use the power of print to boost your brand. Print use in marketing…

Supply Chain

Strengthen Your Supply Chain With These Tips

This blog was originally posted in 2018 and has been updated with new content. There have been a lot of lessons learned during this global pandemic. Among those at the top is the importance of building and strengthening your business supply chain. We’ve all experienced it. Empty shelves, out-of-stock items, shipping delays, or the inability…

Client Meeting

7 Tips for Productive Client Sales Meetings

According to a recent report by Industry Week, Americans attend more than 25 million meetings each day. And we waste approximately $37 billion on unproductive meetings annually. The reality: client sales meetings are essential; and when approached with thorough planning and preparation, they can be incredibly productive. I spent years as a straight-commission sales rep.…