VIP gift box and swag kits

Employee Welcome Kits & Swag Boxes for Onboarding In 2022

Mounting resignation rates and attracting new talent are among the biggest challenges companies face in 2022. So now more than ever, it’s crucial to establish and maintain meaningful connections with your team and build community surrounding your company. A robust employee onboarding process—including a well-curated welcome kit—can help you make that happen. When done right,…

Retail Display

Retail Display Trends 2022

Customers today want to feel a connection to the brands they support. So, if they’re going to spend their money in your retail store, they want an experience, not merely a transaction. Brick-and-mortar retail is alive in 2022. While the pandemic certainly fueled the rise of online retail, 46% of surveyed consumers still prefer visiting…

Logo Design Trends

Make Your Mark: Logo design trends 2022.

Like most industries, emerging trends impact graphic design, and logos are no exception to that rule. While there is merit to sticking with a classic, recognizable logo treatment, refreshing a tired, outdated logo is an equally smart marketing practice. Your logo is both the visual representation and foundation of your brand, so it should be…

Customer Expectation

6 Tips for Successful Cause Marketing.

Now more than ever, aligning purpose and value is essential for business success. In an age where social responsibility matters, consumers want to feel good about working with or buying products from companies with similar values and beliefs. In fact, 87 percent of consumers say they would switch from one brand to another if the…

Product Packaging Trends 2021

Product Packaging Trends To Adopt Right Now

As the pandemic has shifted us further away from in-store product browsing and purchasing, packaging has taken on even greater significance: With less foot-traffic in stores, product packaging is one of the only physical touch points between many brands and their customers, which underscores the importance of making the most of those brand engagement opportunities.…

Favorite Podcasts

Our Favorite Podcasts, 2021 Edition

OLooking for new ideas or insights? Here’s what we’re listening to right now… The explosive growth of podcasts is truly remarkable. The 2021 data tallies 1,750,000+ podcasts and more than 43 million episodes (—startling numbers when you consider there were only 500,000 active podcasts just three years ago in February 2018. If you’re a pod…

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is on the rise. Here’s how to make it work for your brand.

One of the big shifts we’ve seen in marketing during the pandemic is the increased demand for authentic and personal brand connections. These engaging, transparent connections are now the new normal. They’re essential to gaining customer trust and building brand loyalty, which explains why influencer marketing continues to dominate social media trends. Unlike banner ads…