Ellen is passionate about helping clients tell their stories through extraordinary brand experiences. A serious right-brainer, she is a creative visionary with a highly collaborative approach: She doesn’t work for clients; she works with them. By focusing on what makes each client and business unique, Ellen uncovers the uncommon. She leads our team in weaving these details into colorful narratives that resonate with target audiences and incite action surrounding brands, from small startups to household names. Ellen’s superpower is her quick wit, which also comes in handy raising three kids.
In today’s digital-driven marketing world, we’re learning that print is more relevant than ever. While social media and influencer marketing still have their place, print marketing remains strong because of its perceived value. A tangible printed piece, like direct mail, makes a memorable brand connection with a shelf life that outlasts a typical social media…
It used to be that the quality of goods or services is what created a happy customer. But that was then. And this is the age of customer engagement. Today, customers want to feel appreciated, engaged and connected with their chosen brands. Here’s proof: 86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience…
At Shamrock, we’re all about sharing the wealth—so we’re reposting this article from Content Marketing Institute that offers valuable tips about how to build trust in your brand. Here’s the article in its entirety: There’s a crisis in consumer trust. At least that’s the word in the research. The 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer revealed that…
Do I have your attention? If I do, it won’t be for long: According to Statisticbrain.com, the average person’s attention span is eight seconds and most of us read only 28 percent of the words on a webpage. As marketers, that makes it challenging to engage and convert readers. This is where strong calls to…
In last week’s blog, we talked about the importance of creating customer/buyer personas to drive better marketing outcomes—and what kinds of information you should include in those profiles. Remember, you’re digging deep to uncover basic data, as well as habits, interests and other preferences. This information helps you to create an avatar of your target…
Microsoft reports the average person’s attention span is just eight seconds. That’s not surprising given the amount of content we consume every day. According to the American Marketing Association, we are exposed to up to 10,000 brand messages a day. As a marketer, how do you make sure your customers don’t simply scroll right by…
Have you ever watched or read an ad only to immediately forget the advertised product or brand? I know I have. As marketers, we’re tasked with making memorable brand connections. So, how do we improve our chances of creating content that sticks? In part, it requires using the right words. There are also guidelines that…
Is your brand trustworthy? While you may be strong in your conviction, your answer might not resonate with today’s consumers. According to the 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer (the industry standard for measuring consumer trust) only 48% of Americans trust businesses. And that number is on the decline. So how do you build trust among leery…
Despite the pervasive draw of social media posts, shares and double-taps, email marketing emerges as a solid investment for your brand. Email has a median ROI of 122%—that’s more than four times higher than other marketing formats, including social media, direct mail and paid search (Direct Marketing Association and Demand Metric). Looking to make the…
Marketing is being shaped by emerging technologies, methods and patterns. Deep Patel VIP Contributor Author of A Paperboy’s Fable: The 11 Principles of Success It’s difficult to predict which methods will connect with consumers most effectively in the ever-changing landscape of marketing. Just when marketers believe they understand their audience, a new technology, new behavior…