Digital Marketing Trends

Digital marketing tips for 2023.

Given the rising cost of living, we’re all more discerning about the products and services we buy. For marketers, that means prioritizing brand transparency and authenticity to help build trust and loyalty among our existing customers while attracting new prospects. Digital marketing is an excellent tool for making those immediate and real brand connections. To…

Align your data collection practices

Align your data collection practices to better protect consumer privacy

We’ve all gotten used to providing our personal information when downloading content or making an in-app purchase. In today’s digital world, it’s what we do—but not all of us feel entirely confident sharing that personal info. According to Statista, most people in America are somewhat worried about their personal data being collected online: Only 17%…

The Business Case for SEO

The Business Case for SEO

If you’re a marketing director or digital marketing manager, it’s your responsibility to develop and maintain a website that reflects your brand. It’s also your job to ensure that customers—and prospects looking for the products and services you offer—find your site when they’re searching online. Therein lies the power of search engine optimization or SEO.…